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Tuesday, April 04, 2006

The first post!

Hello world! This is the innaugural post on the new blog for the Never Never Land farm in Ecuador. They don't have internet access from the farm (they're well off the grid) but when folks get to internet every once and a while they'll keep you updated with what is going on. Those of us who've been there love both it and Tina (the owner/caretaker/resident hippy). And those who haven't been yet have a great experience to look forward to. It's a wonderfully welcoming place to be.

I found the farm as a travelling volunteer through WWOOF (Willing Workers On Organic Farms) but as soon as I met Tina felt like I was visiting a farm of a cool friend I've known forever... who just happened to go get some land in Ecuador and start something magical. It's a wonderful place to visit, for WWoofers or anyone else who has the inclination.

I hope this site becomes something that strangers use to get a sense of what Never Never Land is, and that veterans can check every once and while to see what's going on in Ecuadors little piece of Paradise.